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Our Engagements for 2018

Dear Members,

I am pleased to announce that 2018 has been another banner year where we continue to coalesce our activities. We are pushing further our engaments to ensure a unified focus with other stateholders across many countries, in and out of Africa. For the next half of 2018 we hope to begin the training sessions, details and countries will announced by August 2018.

As you know, agriculture remains a critical component of our strategy for the overall growth of the bioenergy community, our upcoming online portal will help members connect directly with foreign buyers. But our initially portal launch will be limited to cassava, coconut husk and palm kernel shell . As we move along we hope to expand these trading platform to include other commodities.

Additionally, our online post section will allow members to interact through chats and direct messages thus leading to better and instant integration of ideas amongst members.

We are also finally resolving all the technical issues. For members who are still not getting our monthly letters please feel free to reach out to me directly so we can update your emails.


Brittany Sekibo



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